Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Greatest invention. Ever.

The worst thing about winter is that the various animals outside end up with frozen water. It is terrible. You wake up and stare at the ceiling and know that you have to go out into freezing weather and and either break ice or defrost a gigantic metal container that the chickens drink out of.

Or maybe not.

Because we got one of THESE:

It may look like an upside-down baking pan with a cord, but do not be deceived. It is a chicken water defroster (actually Southern States calls it a "heated base poultry fountain," but that seems like a bit Much). It is GENIUS and I love it.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

That's some cat.

While Jane and Randy were across the street at the tree lot, Grayson and I had every single one of our animals, save the chickens and horses, making themselves at home in the kitchen.

Including Lily, who fell asleep:

As Josh put it: "She is a bold new voice in the field of sleeping."

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Unprecedented sharing.

Last night Precious and Pigeon put their differences aside and shared the dog bed. Kind of.

If her expression is anything to go by, Pigeon knows that she got the raw end of the deal.

Still, though, this is real progress.